Lutheran and German Reformed Congregations of the Glick/Salem (Union)/Brick Church, 1808-1915, Bloom Township, Fairfield County, Ohio.

Glick/Salem (Union)/Brick Church
Lutheran and German Reformed Congregations

Published in 1993 by the Fairfield County Chapter of the Ohio Genealogical Society. This volume has 61 pages.

The Salem Church also called Glick/Brick Church is located on Alspach Road, near Lithopolis, across the road from the Hoy-Glick/Brick Cemetery in Bloom Township.

In 1856 many of the Lutheran members of the congregation left to form the Trinity Lutheran Church in Marcy, Pickaway County, Ohio. In 1861, the remaining Lutherans departed, leaving the church to the Reformed Congregation who called it the Brick Church presumably because of the new church building was made of brick.

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