Guide to Cemetery Locations
Published in 2002 by the Fairfield County Chapter of The Ohio Genealogical Society. This publication has 60 pages.
In 1988 the Fairfield County Chapter of the Ohio Genealogical Society published its first Guide to Cemetery Locations. This publication was originally prepared as an update to the publication, Ohio Cemeteries, published by the Ohio Genealogical Society. There was much interest in the cemeteries of Fairfield County and in the ten years of our existence we had accumulated much information about Fairfield County cemeteries and their locations. We felt that we needed to combine all of the information which we had collected and make it available.
This collection of cemetery location information came from a number of sources including:
Charles W. Wagner copied eighty cemeteries about 1941 and included information about their locations.
The Elizabeth Sherman Reese Chapter DAR (DAR) copied several cemeteries about 1966.
There had also been some cemetery information published in Ohio Records and Pioneer Families (Ohio Genealogical Society publication) and the Old Northwest Genealogical Society Quarterly.
We found some information in the State Library of Ohio and the Ohio Historical Society Archives has two rolls of microfilm containing tombstone inscriptions (rolls #61 and #112).
Charles R. Goslin, local historian, had copied parts of a number of cemeteries and he also had furnished us with the list of cemeteries and locations which he had compiled during his lifetime.
Information about Hooker Cemetery in Greenfield Township was found in Ohio Source Records and the Old City and Old Methodist Cemeteries in Lancaster (Berne Twp) have been published in Miller’s History of Fairfield County, Ohio and Representative Citizens. Ohio Cemetery Records has the inscriptions for the Old City and Old Methodist Cemeteries also as well as those from Carpenter – Koontz Cemetery in Berne Twp.
Jean Collier, D. W. Denton, and Clum copied many cemeteries.
We also received much information from township trustees, chapter members and other interested persons who were gracious enough to share their knowledge.
Since 1983 the chapter has copied and published the tombstone inscriptions from all thirteen Fairfield County Townships except for Forest Rose Cemetery which is a large, modern cemetery in Lancaster. (The old German sections have been copied by us and have been published in the chapter newsletter, Fairfield Trace. A copy of this information was also given to the Lancaster City Cemetery Office because the office did not have accurate information for these sections.)
We are also including our Master List of Cemeteries in this edition for your convenience. Many of the cemeteries are called by more than one name: by the name of the family buried there, by the land owner’s name, by the name of the church which once stood beside the cemetery, etc. An obituary may call the same cemetery by one name while the death record calls it another. We will continue to update this list and are always glad to learn of new names. An up-to-date master list will be maintained on our webpage:
and you can also find a complete list of our cemetery books (as well as all of our publications) and current prices on the webpage.
Non-Member's Price $6.00
Member Only Price $5.40